Sales department
+48 33 875 51 87

About our company

We have been machining steel for 30 years, we provide the services of the highest quality.


Professional service, precision and accuracy, sophisticated automation solutions

Our main aim as a company is development. By development, we mean raising the competence and qualifications of our employees. Moreover, we develop possibilities of production and implement most cutting-edge automation solutions in our machine park. All of the new kinds of technological solutions allow us to widen the range of our services to offer to our Customers.

Year by year we support new companies in their development by providing professional services of machining steel. Read below to find out more about our services.

How do we stand out?

Our employees are field-specific specialists. We have been providing services of machining steel for over 30 years. Our professional production team endeavour to make every possible effort to provide the highest quality of services in PROTECH and to meet the most demanding needs of our Customers.

Qualified Staff of the Machine Park.

As our team continues to grow, and we make sure that our employees develop their skills and competence to provide to our Customers services using the most modern machines and technology.

Service in English and German

We always address our Customers’ needs; therefore, when it comes to communication, we provide services both in English and German language.

Professional Support

We provide assistance and support to our Customers, starting from the first contact, throughout the process of consultations, ending with the completion of the order and delivery. You can count on us.

Automation Solutions

The industrial production processes move towards automation, and we actively follow the trends. In our services, we rely on innovative, sophisticated automation solutions to shorten the production time and increase the precision of performance.

Modern Machine Park

Our machine park is equipped with innovative, sophisticated automation solutions ideally suited for advanced processes of machining steel.

Customised Services

Our innovative machines offer a wide range of production possibilities which help us to choose in a flexible way technology which will suit Customer’s applications and needs.

Qualified staff

Our staff consists of qualified, certified experts with extensive experience in steel processing. You can find our certifications above.

Fast delivery

The PROTECH production department staff works in a 3-shift system, which guarantees a fast delivery time for all services.

A Message from the CEO

Grzegorz Krupnik

We provide solutions which are a unique combination of the most modern technologies, our experience and knowledge of different areas such as storage facility logistics, production, system of marking and dedicated network solutions. At present, we employ over 500 qualified and highly-skilled employees.

Engineers with Expertise

Our team constitutes over 500 qualified and experienced engineers. Each member of the staff is highly-competent and has a long-standing experience in machining steel. All of our services, including welding, machining, painting, cutting or bending, are performed at the highest standard level.

Our experts operate with equal skill both hand and fully-automated or programmable machines of our machine park as they have a deep understanding of the technological processes needed for the perfect completion of a given service.

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